Saturday, 8 February 2014


125 Action Statements and Power Phrases

1. If you're having a tough time getting by on your salary now, how well do you think your family will get by without it?
2. The only thing worse than a home without a mother is a mother without a home, isn't it?
3. You can say, "I don't need it", but can you say "my family won't need it"?
4. The most valuable asset that a father can leave his children is their mother's full time care, isn't it?
5. More good things are lost by indecision than by wrong decision, aren't they?
6. Someone always pays for life insurance, whether a man buys or not; the question is, who....the man or his family?
7. You say come back in September... But whom should I ask for if you're not here in September?
8. The difference between an old man and an elderly gentleman can be a decent income can't it?
9. Wives may not believe in life insurance, but widows always do.
10. Life insurance is a shield to meet the blow that you can't see coming isn't it?
11. You would certainly give your life for your children, so why not insure it for them?
12. Have you ever met a widow who said that her husband had too much life insurance?
13. Life insurance is the only plan that will guarantee a known sum at an unknown time.
14. You haven't needed it (life insurance) yet? Do you carry a spare tyre in your car? Do you own an umbrella? Do you check for the parachute in the aeroplane?
15. The worst time for a wife to become a breadwinner is when she first becomes a widow.
16. If you wouldn't like to live the rest of your life on the face amount of your present insurance, how do you expect your wife to?
17. Income is provided for a widow or by her isn't it?
18. Losing a father is bad enough, inheriting a part time mother makes it worse, doesn't it?
19. You can put me off, but you can't put my competitors off - death and disability.
20. Life insurance won't keep people from dying, but it will keep their plans from dying with them.
21. Any partnership that operates without a proper buy/sell agreement is living on borrowed time.
22. It isn't easy to be old or poor, but it's a great deal worse to be both.
23. You finish the job if you live; we finish the job for you if you die, become disabled or long term sick.
24. Whatever reason you may have for not starting this plan now will only sound ridiculous to your widow.
25. Just because you stop working doesn't mean you stop loving your wife, children & grandchildren. That's why you have permanent life insurance isn't it?
26. Would you like to buy your parents interest in the company for less then 5 cents in the dollar?
27. Partnerships are like a seesaw. One man gets off the other falls off. Is your business succession plan like that?
28. It's better to use insurance to protect the partnership because while you will pay $1,000,000 for your partners share you really pay very little for the $1,000,000, don't you?
29. No person ever dies at the right time, do they?
30. A person needs credit to live, but their family needs cash when they die, don't they?
31. You may last longer than your money
32. Tell me, how will you treat all your children equally in your will?
33. No debt should last longer than the person who created it, should it?
34. If you buy insurance or not, in the end someone will pay for it.
35. Life insurance is time. The time you might not have. If you need time you need life insurance.
36. Your wife should be left something that will take care of her - not something she will have to take care of, shouldn't she?
37. Have you a plan to pay for capital gains tax or will you let the family sell assets to cover your oversight?
38. A professional loans their educated brain to create income for their family to live on. Unfortunately the brain is not a going concern. When it terminates, so too does the income it generates.
39. No has always been the first two letters of nothing. I have never liked what nothing implies. Would I be right in assuming that you do not like the meaning of no either?
40. In the final analysis, all you can leave your wife with is "the dignity of choice" isn't it?
41. If you had a goose that laid golden eggs, would you insure the eggs or the goose that laid them?
42. If you can save as much money in the next five years as you have in the last five years, will you be satisfied?
43. Life insurance? Anybody who doesn't believe in it ought to have the right to die without it at least once.
44. Sometimes the biggest price in the world is doing nothing. A lot of people do nothing wrong; they just do nothing. That's what's wrong.
45. What formula did you use to arrive at the amount of life insurance you have at the moment?
46. What percentage of your income in a lump sum would you like to leave your wife and children?
47. If your partner became permanently disabled or long term sick, how long would you be willing to do 100% of the work for 50% of the profits?
48. If it were free how much insurance would you like?
49. Do you know anyone who has died who had too much insurance?
50. If you were to die because of some one else's negligence, how much would you want your family to sue for? Should they have any less if you die by other means?
51. Do you have trouble accumulating money and keeping it?
52. What type of lifestyle would you like when you retire? What type of lifestyle will you have if you are forced to retire because of ill health?
53. If you were not here could you pay for all of your children's higher education or just a percentage of it?
54. What assets would your executor have to sell up to allow your wife and children to keep living in their current lifestyle?
55. Are you aware of your most valuable asset and do you know how much income it is capable of producing in your lifetime?
56. What would happen to your estate if you had died last night?
57. You and your wife together can handle debt, but can she handle debt by herself?
58. Would your executor be embarrassed by the lack of liquidity in your estate?
59. Long term insurance is a good idea in retirement. Just because you retire doesn't mean you stop loving your family or their need for estate equalisation.
60. Life insurance is like a parachute in an aeroplane. If you ever want it and have not got it, you will never need it again.
61. At no time in life is a wife less able to become a bread winner than when she first becomes a widow.
62. One ordinary father can support four children, but it takes four extraordinary children to support one father
63. A life insurance person brings no financial problem to any prospect, they only bring the solutions.
64. If every wife knew what every widow knows, every husband would be insured for more, wouldn't they?
65. I can understand your hesitation to pay the $800 premium. You may feel that you are making a mistake. Would you rather make an $800 mistake or a $250,000 mistake?
66. If you suffered a traumatic illness or serious accident would you sooner lose your home or your mortgage?
67. Do you have a family debt extinguishable fund?
68. If you were permanently disabled which assets could your partner sell for full value?
69. Are your debts "good" debt or "bad" debt?
70. "Your price is too high!" Is that if you take the cover, or if you don't?
71. Do you want your bank to have first call on your estate?
72. If your family was in Financial Free Fall, wouldn't it be nice to know we could provide the Parachute?
73. If you weren't here, who would you want to take care of your obligations?
74. Who do you want to inherit your debt?
75. What other assets are instantly created for your family and estate if you die?
76. Tell me what you want to leave out of your debt reduction program. Is it the capital redemption or the promises to your children that their mother may not be able to keep?
77. Which is harder for a widow? Being unprepared or being unfunded?
78. Do you see your family being disadvantaged by the unknown or being disadvantaged by being unfunded?
79. If I could deliver you a guaranteed amount of money for a specified event at an unknown time in the future, would you be interested?
80. We don't have a choice about good luck or bad luck, do we? It just happens!
81. Your insurance should compensate for an event, not encourage it's occurrence
82. If life cover was FREE, how much would you want to take?
83. If you became long term sick or permanently disabled, which would you sooner lose, your house or your mortgage?
84. If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, how much insurance would you demand of me?
85. You don't buy insurance because some one may die; you buy it because families and people keep on living, don't you?
86. If you don't protect your income, how will you be able to pay for or afford your other insurances?
87. Even if a couple become divorced or separated, the ex-partner will not see another maintenance payment should the income earner die. How will that affect your children?
88. How would your family be affected if you couldn't work for 2 years?
89. Which is more important to your wife? The size of your overdraft whilst you're alive and well or getting rid of the overdraft when you are not here or are unwell?
90. Are you leaving your family an asset or the asset and a liability?
91. What is your gross estate value? What is your net estate value?
92. Are you aware that your children stand to lose two parents if your partner is forced to go back to work after the death of a spouse?
93. How big a reduction in your income could you absorb/sustain if you became disabled?
94. If you were totally disabled yesterday how much would you need to clear your debt?
95. If you were totally disabled yesterday how much capital would you need to produce the income you have now?
96. Modern medicine is saving lives, but it is converting death to disability : long-term economic death. As important as you are, do you know anyone who will pay you an income for the rest of your life should you become disabled?
97. This plan will pay 75% of your salary when no one else will
98. Your family's outcome relies on your income
99. Earned Income is an extremely delicate and easily destructible asset subject to three hazards; death, early retirement and long term disability. It can be compared with a 3-legged stool; if one leg gives way, the whole stool topples over.
100. Saving your life shouldn't mean losing your savings
101. Income Protection benefits are Dollars of Dignity. They mean not having to beg, diminishing reliance on charity, not having to borrow (if you still can), sending your spouse or partner out to work, asset sell off, capital erosion or life style down grading.
102. Doctor, have you ever heard of a physician being pensioned by his patients when he was laid up from accident or sickness?
103. (I can't afford it.) If your salary was cut by $10 per week would you quit your job?
104. (See me later). Before we plan a later date Mr. Prospect, wouldn't it be eminently sensible to see if you qualify first?
105. Of course you are right, you do realize that life insurance can provide capital to earn income from after you have passed away. But what if you are seriously injured and don't die?
106. Naturally your superannuation will provide you with an income when you retire. But what if you have to retire early?
107. Comparing the number of doctors to the number of undertakers in the phone book, will give you an indication of the number of unwell people requiring attention compared to the lesser number of deaths requiring attention.
108. You are aware that the biggest gamble your partner and family can ever take is on you. Why not minimize the risk with an income protection plan?
109. Would your bank manager pay off your mortgage if you had a heart attack?
110. If a sole proprietor tells you his business will run itself while he is off, then ask him why he is not at the beach or on the golf course every day instead of enjoying himself
111. Life insurance pays when you die. But what happens if you are only 1/2 dead?
112. Can you guarantee immortality?
113. Did you know that insurance can now be paid on diagnosis of specific diseases and insurable conditions?
114. Do you want your family to have to sell their house if you became disabled or long term ill?
115. What happens if your money machine breaks down?
116. People are money machines. They produce income called money. When the machine breaks down is destroyed or fails to operate the income stops.
117. Did you know there are two ways to make money? People at work and money at work. Money at work is a whole lot easier isn't it?
118. You have an accountant and a solicitor, but do you have anyone whose responsibility it is to deliver money in the event of a death, disability or long-term injury or sickness?
119. If you were not here what percentage of your children's higher education would you like them to have?
120. What would happen to your estate if you had died last night?
121. Who would you like to serve as guardian and trustee for your children if you and your spouse died?
122. If the entire family dies in a disaster, to whom do your want you estate to pass?
123. "Whatever the dollar's future value, the man who has one will be better off than the man who doesn't."
124. "You say you have trouble living within your income -- consider living without your income."
125. Ask upfront "What has been the major problem you have had with my industry in the past that I would need to be aware of as we build a relationship together?"
Carlos (aka Chas) Banhelyi is an experienced Australian Financial Adviser with more than 30 years hands on Financial Advising experience. He is a CFP and ACIP
Carlos started his business life in the Life Insurance business in Melbourne, Australia. The 125 Action Statements and Power Phrases have been collected over 35 years. Please use them for a 'win - win' outcome. I would to thank the many, many Life Agents that helped me along the way by sharing their Action Statements and Power Phrases. Regards from FNQ Far North Queensland, Australia

Friday, 31 January 2014

What Type of Life Insurance to Buy?

Article from IRDA website:

Kinds of Life Insurance Policies:
Term Insurance
You can choose to have protection for a set period of time with Term Insurance. In the
event of death or Total and Permanent Disability  (if the benefit is offered), your dependants 
will be paid a benefit. In Term Insurance, no benefit is normally payable if the life assured survives the term.

Whole Life Insurance:
With whole life insurance, you are guaranteed lifelong protection. Whole life insurance pays out a 
death benefit so you can be assured that your family is protected against financial loss that can
happen after your death. It is also an ideal way of creating an estate for your heirs as an inheritance.

Endowment Policy
An Endowment Policy is a savings linked insurance policy with a specific maturity date. Should an
unfortunate event by way of death or disability occur to you during the period, the Sum Assured  
will be paid to your beneficiaries. On your surviving the term, the maturity proceeds on the policy become                                                         payable.

Money back plans or cash back plans: 
Under this plan, certain percent of the sum assured is returned to the insured person periodically as 
survival benefit.  On the expiry of the term, the balance amount is paid as maturity value.  
The life risk may be covered for the full sum assured during the term of the policy irrespective of the 
survival benefits paid.

Children Policies:
These types of policies are taken on the life of the parent/children for the benefit of the child.  By such policy
the parent can plan to get funds when the child attains various stages in life. Some insurers offer waiver 
of premiums in case of unfortunate death of the parent/proposer during the term of the policy.

Annuity (Pension) Plans:
When an employee retires he no longer gets his salary while his need for a regular income continues. 
Retirement benefits like Provident Fund and gratuity are paid in lump sum which are often spent too 
quickly or not invested prudently with the result that the employee finds himself without regular income 
in his post - retirement days. Pension is therefore an ideal method of retirement provision because 
the benefit is in the form of regular income. It is wise to provide for old age, when we have regular income 
during our earning period to take care of rainy days. Financial independence during old age is a must for 

There are two types of annuities (pension plans):
  • Immediate Annuity
    In case of immediate Annuity, the Annuity payment from the Insurance Company starts immediately.                                                           Purchase price (premium) for immediate Annuity is to be paid in Iumpsum in one installment only.
  • Deferred Annuity
    Under deferred Annuity policy, the person pays regular contributions to the Insurance Company, till the                                                 vesting age/vesting date. He has the option to pay as single premium also. The fund will accumulate                                                         with interest and fund will be available on the vesting date. The insurance company will take care of the                                                     investment of funds and the policyholder has the option to encash 1/3rd of this corpus fund on the                                                       vesting age / vesting date tax free.The balance amount of 2/3rd of the fund will be utilized for purchase                                                      of Annuity (pension) to the Annuitant.
Unit Linked Insurance Policy  
Unit Linked Insurance Policies (ULIPs) offer a combination of investment and protection and allow you the 
flexibility and choice on how your premiums are invested. . IN UNIT LINKED PLANS, THE INVESTMENT RISK
PORTFOLIO IS BORNE BY YOU AS YOU ARE THE INVESTOR Typically, the policy will provide you with a choice
of funds in which you may invest. You also have the flexibility to switch between different funds during the life 
of the policy. The value of a ULIP is linked to the prevailing value of units you have invested in the fund, 
which in turn depends on the fund's performance. In the event of death or permanent disability, the policy will
provide the Sum Assured (to the extent you are covered) so that you can take comfort in knowing that your
family is protected from sudden financial loss. A ULIP has varying degrees of risk and rewards. There are 
various charges applicable for Unit Linked Policies and the balance amount out of the premium is only invested 
in the fund/funds chosen by you.It is important to ask your insurer or agent or broker questions to understand
the sum total of charges that you have to incur. It is important to assess your risk appetite and investment
horizon before deciding to buy a ULIP policy.

You must also read the terms and conditions of the policy carefully to understand the features of the policy
including the lock-in period, surrender value, surrender charges etc.
All the types of plans mentioned above can be offered under ULIP plans.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Why Do I Need Insurance?

I Have Everything    I Need

Q) I earn well and save enough. Why do I need Insurance?
A) Life is unpredictable; Insurance is the simplest way to cope with the unforeseen and the unexpected. It is the best back-up that you or your dependents can rely on when risk becomes a reality and results in loss of life or property.

Q) I am young, fit and healthy, Why do I need Insurance?
A) Plan well and start early. That’s the best way to make Insurance work for you. Premiums will be low, processing will be minimal at young age and a long term financial cover is in place to take care of later years. Also you save in your most productive years to enjoy later.

Q) I have no loans or liabilities. Why do I need Insurance?
A) Insurance is a contingency plan to take care of uncertainties. It is a way of providing for your dependents and ensuring continuity of their material needs and wants in your unfortunate absence. It is a way to plan and ensure a regular income whenever you decide to retire.

Q) Isn’t insurance an unnecessary cost and expense?
A) Insurance is a responsibility. It ensures security and mitigates risk. It is an assurance to your dependents that you care. Insurance is also an investment tool and provides tax benefits too. Most of all, Insurance is Peace of Mind. The price of getting insured is negligible compared to the value that insurance delivers.

“Insurance is sensible, practical and above all, the right thing to do”